Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gap: Festive Lunar Year, Vivo City

Last weekend I went to Singapore for the first time. It was an amazing experience because there were so many window displays to be photographed and gigantic fashion boutiques to be admired. Thus, from today I will focus on posting about the window displays I found in Singapore.

The first posting is about the Lunar New Year themed window display of Gap at Vivo City. The display theme and decoration is similar with the Grand Indonesia's Gap. However, you can see the children mannequins look more active and cheerful in anticipating the Lunar New Year celebration.


  1. i've made this window too.. for GAP PIM 2 mas,
    waktu saya masih jd VM GAP :)

    sayang bgt yg mas foto di GI, itu sblm saya rubah, waktu udh saya rubah lebih ok dr punya singapore.. heheheh*narsis

  2. Wow my visitor is a truly a VM heheh. Iya saya foto Gap Imlek-nya yg di GI krn saya hampir gak pernah ke PIM. hehhee.

  3. salut buat mas endro deh, bukan VM tapi concern tentang per-vm-an.

    blognya penting bgt buat org" seperti saya ini... ^^

  4. heheh. Thanks so much for your appreciation. Seneng kalau memang blog saya berarti :) Usaha saya menahan malu diliatin orang or ditegor satpam jadi ga sia2 deh hehehe
